The Daily Telegraph - They were spotted dining at Fratelli with Bingle's mum Sharon, and were seen playing games with paparazzi hiding then showing their wedding ring ...
Justin Bieber Complains About Paparazzi Standing in Ocean to ... - Pap Rating: ttt
GossipCop - The singer, who recently traveled to Colorado, Florida, and Cuba, complained on Instagram on Wednesday about being followed by paparazzi in ...
Paparazzi Exoticazzi! - Pat Rating: ttt (Editor's note - celebrities using regular social media to limited success).
Bitbag - Selfie! Aww come on man it's just your face again all over your Instagram account. Oh hey, this is new, so you decided to take one with some sort ...
Kanye West Making a deal with 18 year old racist paparazzi - Pap Rating: tttt
24hourhiphop - You all remember the beat down Kanye West gave the racist 18 year old racist boy at the chiropractor waiting room, well it is reported they are ...
Anne Hathaway Explains Going MIA After Oscar: "My Impression Is ... - Pap Rating: ttt
E! Online - Paparazzi being as vigilant as they are, sometimes we don't notice when one of the movie stars we see all the time in magazines and online goes ...