10 things they may have convinced you of... but are not true:
- You need the paparazzi - Really? Did you get to where you are because of the paparazzi? I thought it was because you worked hard, have talent, and pursued your passion.
- You don’t deserve privacy - If you want privacy you must be selfish, right? Wrong! You're not asking for any special treatment. Respect and Privacy are human rights. Everyone deserves them.
- New laws are the solution - Laws are only effective if people believe they should be followed and if there is a risk of being caught.
- You can't #ENDpaparazzi - You can't if you don't try. There have been many greater injustices that have been overcome. This one is easy. You just have to believe that you deserve privacy and respect, then come together.
- Your kids will get over it - Think of your childhood. Think of the special moments. Think about what made them special. Will your children have similar memories? Don't they deserve them too? Don't fool yourself. Children are devastated by the constant attention of both stalkarazzi and the general public. We have to change things. We can change things #RealFansShowRespect.
- You have to take the good with the bad - Why? Why can't we make the bad better? Why can't we look at the motivation of people adversely affecting your life, and address each one with a countermeasure?
- There are too many of them - You're right. And the number/impact will only continue to grow unless we take action.
- You signed up for this - Did you? Or did you work in an artistic community you love, making sacrifices along the way, with the hope of sharing something special with the world. Most people who are successful didn't get into it for the money/fame. Sometimes these things are just a byproduct of being good at what you do. Just because you can point to a few individuals who were motivated by greed, doesn't mean you are "fair game"
- You just have to accept the paparazzi - Why? Are you not equal? Must you be punished because of your profession? Or is it your success that we need to punish you for? You don't have to accept it. You can change things. But if you want Privacy and Respect you are going to have to demand it. Nobody is going to just hand it over.
- @papbuster must be a crazy person! Maybe. But I'm also serious about what I'm doing. I won't stop until it is socially unacceptable to take a photo (of anyone) without permission. Paparazzi is NOT Photojournalism . Does it really matter who solves this for you? Or do you just want it solved.