Contrived "news stories" pose the greatest threat to ALL celebrities.
Some might say,"I don't have to worry. I'm not mobbed by the paparazzi. Sure, I get the occasional photo or intrusive fan, but it's nothing I can't handle."
These are the celebs I worry about the most. The ones who feel that they are not "A-listers". The ones who feel that they have it all under control. They are the ones who face the greatest threat of all. Not from being mobbed, but from being targeted by unsavory paps who attempt to create a news event that they can sell. It may be hard to get away with when a celebrity is surrounded by security and other cameras. It's not so hard when there is no one else around. All they need is someone with name recognition, a dramatic event, and a publisher with deep pockets to get enough money to comfortably retire.
As revealed in Teenage Paparazzo, individuals with a criminal history have been entering the paparazzi scene for a while now. Have you ever wondered why? These are often the same individuals who have changed the image of photographers. The ones who instigate something, hoping it will increase the value of their photos. But how far will this go?
It all started with words. Insults. Offensive questions. These are all but common-place now. When insults stopped working, it progressed to shoving. Perhaps not of the celebrity themselves, but push another pap into a celeb? It happens all the time.
What's next? How far will paps go to create value where there is none? This is something that all celebs need to be concerned about. Especially when a photo has the potential of being worth millions.
Don't just fear the number of paps surrounding you. Fear the value that publishers place on a photo/video of something happening to you.
Some might say,"I don't have to worry. I'm not mobbed by the paparazzi. Sure, I get the occasional photo or intrusive fan, but it's nothing I can't handle."
These are the celebs I worry about the most. The ones who feel that they are not "A-listers". The ones who feel that they have it all under control. They are the ones who face the greatest threat of all. Not from being mobbed, but from being targeted by unsavory paps who attempt to create a news event that they can sell. It may be hard to get away with when a celebrity is surrounded by security and other cameras. It's not so hard when there is no one else around. All they need is someone with name recognition, a dramatic event, and a publisher with deep pockets to get enough money to comfortably retire.
As revealed in Teenage Paparazzo, individuals with a criminal history have been entering the paparazzi scene for a while now. Have you ever wondered why? These are often the same individuals who have changed the image of photographers. The ones who instigate something, hoping it will increase the value of their photos. But how far will this go?
It all started with words. Insults. Offensive questions. These are all but common-place now. When insults stopped working, it progressed to shoving. Perhaps not of the celebrity themselves, but push another pap into a celeb? It happens all the time.
What's next? How far will paps go to create value where there is none? This is something that all celebs need to be concerned about. Especially when a photo has the potential of being worth millions.
Don't just fear the number of paps surrounding you. Fear the value that publishers place on a photo/video of something happening to you.